HostelSnap is the most affordable way to accept direct bookings
Get Started with HostelSnap
Do you need a Direct Booking Engine only or a Full Hostel PMS System?
Choose HostelSnap if you only need a website booking engine to accept direct bookings for your hostel.
No Monthly Fee Dorm pricing as low as 10¢ per guest overnight.* Private rooms $.50 per roomnight*
Choose HostelSnap Full if you want a full PMS system with a booking engine for direct bookings on your hostel website.
No Monthly Fee Dorm pricing as low as 15¢ per guest overnight.* Private rooms $.50 per roomnight*
*Plus applicable credit card fees.
This Feature Request is related to the Dashboard page
Adjustments on purchase items
Hi there. It would be awesome if EITHER, when adding a purchase item for purchase, the amount could be adjusted and with that a text box saying what the adjustment is for, OR when a person does a price adjustment, if they were required to put a reason in a text box that would stay with that transaction so one could report and go back to that and see what had been discounted for a time period and why. Thank you!